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Our Offerings

Our Offerings

We strive to provide ethical, transparent, risk-managed compliant investment products and services to help our customers manage volatility and increase profitability. We also offer safe, accessible, easy-to-use investment tools that have deepened our market share, broadened economic inclusion, and laid a solid foundation for an enduring relationship with our customers. We offer an array of wealth planning, and asset management solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Amidst these multiple products and services are our day-to-day collective investment schemes including the following:

Tablet computer and financial charts

Halal Fixed Income Investments

Money Market Funds

Ethical Funds

Sukuk Funds

Training and Conference

Equity Income Funds

Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) Funds

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Trade Finance

Tax Planning

Legacy Planning

Retirement Planning

Education Planning

Estate Planning


Charitable Contribution

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We are Nigeria’s leading ethical fund management company and offer full service funds management that serve private and institutional investors across various portfolios.

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