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About Us

Rasmal Capital is a leading ethical fund management company providing a range of value-adding products, including SRI, ESG investment, and advisory services to private and institutional investors.

About Us

Rasmal Capital

Rasmal Capital Ltd (RCL) was incorporated in 2020 and registered as a Fund Management company with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). We are Nigeria’s leading ethical fund management company that serves private and institutional investors across various portfolios. We offer a full-fledged range of value-adding products, including SRI, ESG investment, and advisory services.

ESG abbreviation on wooden cubes, on coins framed by green leaves. Environmental social management

We help clients manage wealth by providing multi-asset portfolios and supports private and institutional investors with comprehensive investment strategies to ensure they achieve their investment goals. We are also proud of our impeccable credentials in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concern in profitable and sustainable investment that has harnessed our commitment to specialisation and innovation in these areas. Our asset under management (AUM) has grown over the years consistently.

Our Company Overview

Rasmal Capital is managed by highly experienced professionals who have managed vast businesses that operate with globally acceptable corporate governance standards. We also believe in the hands-on approach of our fund managers saddled with the critical role of helping to resolve the most significant investment challenges and ensuring the best outcome for our clients.

While our products and services are uniquely designed to add value to your business, Our strategy now is to grow our business, expand into new product and customer segments and deliver improved efficiency through operational and product excellence that support and enable superior customer service.

Our Shariah advisory service team also offers shariah compliant advice on various products, transactions and cash management that enables sustainable market leading growth. We are committed to creating halal wealth for our clients to achieve their noble goals.

Our Value Propositions

We have designed our ethical products and services to add value to your business. Our strategy is to grow your business and offer you an array of products and services through operational excellence that supports and enables superior customer service. Our Ethical products and the advisory service team also offer shariah-compliant products and advisory services on products, transactions, and cash management services that create sustainable market-leading growth. We are committed to making value-based investment choices for our clients to achieve their noble goals.

Rasmal Capital - logo - new-3sm

We are Nigeria’s leading ethical fund management company and offer full service funds management that serve private and institutional investors across various portfolios.

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